Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Almost 13 years ago, I was one of the individuals that saw the Percy Jackson films and fell in love with the story. So much so that my mom got me the whole box set of the book series a few weeks later. When I first heard about the new series on Disney, I was excited but hesitant about the final results. But knowing all that I know now, my excitement has known no bounds.

TV Series


  1. I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-algebra TeacherReleased
  2. I Become Supreme Lord of the BathroomReleased
  3. We Visit the Garden Gnome EmporiumReleased
  4. I Plunge to My DeathNot Released
  5. A God Buys Us CheeseburgersNot Released
  6. We Take a Zebra to VegasNot Released
  7. We Find Out the Truth, Sort OfNot Released
  8. The Prophecy Comes TrueNot Released

Rereading the Series

If you have not noticed, each episode name corresponds to a chapter in the book. I excpect that they will combine some chapters in each episode though. I plan to reread the book while the series is airing and compare each week. There will be spoilers from other books in the series, so I would not recommend reading these reviews if you have not read the entire series.